Chapter 263 - Return

"Your Majesty, if the Yellow River were to break its banks, all life would be in ruins. It was unknown how many people had died in the Yinchuan Plains. And it's not just the Yinchuan Plains. It's also possible that people could die in many places downstream. " Yu Yunwen was shocked, and said.

"In order to completely destroy the Western Xia, this is the only way. I will not tolerate the existence of hidden dangers in the northwest, and can only completely destroy Western Xia. Only in this way can we free our hands and concentrate on dealing with the Primordial Daughter and the Emperor Kang in order to restore the Central Plains and the Song Dynasty. " Zhao Chen said.

"But, Your Majesty, have you ever considered what people would think of Your Majesty? If the emperor did this, how would the historical records of the future generations record him? They have to say that your majesty is brutal, and they have to liken your majesty to someone like Qin Shihuang or the Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. " Yu Yunwen said.

The Qin and Han Dynasties were famous tyrants in Chinese history. In ancient times, it would be extremely vicious to say that an emperor was "the Qin and the Han Dynasties". Although they had achieved outstanding merits, they did not meet the standards of the Confucian "Holy Lord" and thus were not liked by the ancient Confucian ministers.

"To put a nation in peril is a matter of life and death. How can one avoid disaster? For the sake of my Song Dynasty's future, for the sake of my Chinese future, I can only do this! If we can restore the Central Plains and the Song Dynasty of ZTE, we are not afraid of any rumors or rumors. We are not afraid of the opinions of our descendants. Even if they say I'm brutal, so what? "If I can help the Chinese people live a good life and avoid calamities, I would rather be brutal when facing outsiders." Zhao Chen said indifferently.

"This humble subject understands! The Yellow River's destruction is not only His Majesty's decision, it is also our common decision. " Yu Yunwen remained silent for a long while, before he suddenly spoke.

"You have this kind of mentality, very good! For the future of Song Dynasty, we have to be fearless. Not only is we not afraid of our enemies, we have to be fearless of any slander and our reputation. " Zhao Chen said.

"Thank you for your guidance, Your Majesty." Thank you for your guidance, Your Majesty. Yu Yunwen nodded and said.

They left more than a thousand people on the banks of the Yellow River and then headed south together.

The army of more than two hundred thousand was vast and the procession was long. There were two hundred thousand regular troops and tens of thousands of Production and Construction Corps youths.

When they first came to the Western Xia, many of the soldiers were moving forward lightly. They had only brought a few days' worth of rations with them. Even the supplies delivered by the young men of Production and Construction Corps were not that much.

But when they returned, they had countless resources.

This included the compensation of five million gold and five million silver, as well as the loot of various kinds of wealth from various cities in the Western Xia. This included all kinds of weapons left behind by the Western Xia Army.

Other than these, there were also war horses!

The Western Xia was located in the river bed, where horses were produced since ancient times. Western Xia Party member was originally a nomadic people, and they were good at raising horses. Initially, when they attacked the Hongzhou, Au Prefecture, and all over Yan Prefecture, they obtained several tens of thousands of war horses. After they defeated the main force of Western Xia, they obtained over a hundred thousand war horses. In April, the army rampaged throughout the Yinchuan Plains, destroying countless of Party member towns and villages. From those places, they obtained many war horses.

Right now, there were still nearly two hundred thousand war horses going down with the great army.

This was the first time the Chinese had acquired so many war horses since the establishment of the Song Dynasty.

"Since ancient times, the Riverside Region has been the horse farm of our Han people. During the Han Dynasty, Spirit State and Liang Zhou were set up here, and during the Tang Dynasty, this place was also our horse farm. We've lost them for years, and now we've taken them back again. This time, we have two hundred thousand warhorses. In the future, we will have even more warhorses. From now on, we no longer lack war horses. " It was a drizzling night, so when Zhao Chen heard the sound of horses' hooves, he laughed.

"Yes, we no longer lack war horses! Ever since our Song Dynasty was established, because of the lack of war horses, we could only passively defend. But with the war horses, we can take the initiative to attack the enemy. " Curved End who was beside Zhao Chen said excitedly as he caressed the skin of the horse below him.

Since the Song Dynasty lost its Yan Yun Sixteen Prefectures and the Henan Province, the Song Dynasty's army had almost no formed cavalry. Without the cavalry, the army's power would be greatly reduced. Once a war broke out on the border, it would be extremely difficult to reinforce them. It was even more difficult to enter the enemy's territory and engage in battle. This was also one of the main reasons why the military might of the Song Dynasty was far inferior to the Han and Tang Dynasties.

And now they will have the river country again, and the war horses.

"Your majesty, how do we split the 200,000 warhorses?" Yu Yunwen said.

"We want to build a real cavalry unit! In my opinion, why don't we split all the hundreds of thousands of horses into the Imperial Guards. The remaining hundred thousand war horses were divided among the troops. If he really wanted Yue Fei to create a whole army of riders. When we were at the Imperial Palace, we had not yet ascended the throne. Yue Fei, Zhang Xian, and the others had once discussed the strategies of the outsiders on the prairie. We hope that Yue Fei can cultivate such an unrivalled cavalry for us. " Zhao Chen said.

"The other races on the prairie? Who are they? " Yu Yunwen said.

"Mongol, did you know?" Zhao Chen said.

Zhao Chen didn't know whether or not there was the term "Mongolia" at this time. He thought that Yu Yunwen wasn't sure, but he didn't expect him to actually nod his head. Originally, the word "Mongolia" had a long history. In the later Tang Dynasty, there were records of "Mongolia", but the Han people called the Mongolians as "Mongolian people". Until Cheng Jisihan led the Mongols to rise up, the word "Mongolia" was well-known.

"I have also heard of the Mongols that His Majesty spoke of. They used to be vassals of the Chidans, but they are now vassals of the Nvzhen. Their numbers were not small. There were countless tribes, but they often fought amongst themselves. And they were living in abnormally difficult circumstances. When they were in the Liao Country, the Chidans did not allow any iron weapons to enter the northern plains. It was said that they only used bone arrowheads. Highness, are their cavalry really powerful? " Curved End said.

"They might not be that powerful now." Zhao Chen was startled, and laughed.

But Cheng Jisihan had not appeared yet, he was the number one expert in the history of the war, there was no one in the world who could compare to him. The Mongolian cavalry army had also undergone a major change under Cheng Jisihan's hands, they were unrivalled in Europe and Asia. Right now, Cheng Jisihan had not been born yet, so Zhao Chen did not know how the Mongol Cavalry were doing.

When Zhao Chen said this, both Curved End and Yu Yunwen were stunned.

Zhao Chen laughed and spurred his horse forward.

They trudged on without stopping.

On the fourth day of the fifth month, they arrived at Jingzhou City.

Jingzhou City had long since become an empty city, the Party member inside had already been expelled and headed towards the north.

"Leave a thousand people to guard this place!" Zhao Chen thought about it and said.

This was a city after all, and it was best not to abandon it. In the future, when the Chinese became more powerful, they would have to emigrate here sooner or later.

On the afternoon of the fifth day of May, they finally arrived at Spirit State City.

The army had not rested since the third day of May, so Zhao Chen immediately ordered the army to rest in the city.

Zhao Chen himself had already climbed up the walls of Spirit State City.

He was looking at the scenery in the distance. A lot of the farmland in the distance had already been destroyed. In fact, during the Han and Tang Dynasties era, this was a purely military city. There were no farmland outside, only grasslands. After the Western Xia people stole the Spirit State and other places, they gradually changed from nomadic people to half-nomadic and half-farming people. Only then did countless farmland appear.

"General Zhao Wu greets Your Majesty!" At this moment, a voice came from behind Zhao Chen.

"Let's rise!" From today onwards, you will be the general of Spirit State City. You will lead ten thousand troops to guard here! Other than that, there would still be fifty thousand young men of the Production and Construction Corps left behind! This place is very close to the Western Xia's capital, Xingqing Mansion. Remember, never let the Party member develop and destroy them at all costs. You will travel freely on the prairie, and no one will be able to stop you. Not only the Xingqing Mansion, the Western Xia City in the north had to think of all sorts of ways to weaken them. "Don't let them graze, don't let them farm, drive them to the far, poorer north, or force them to accept our rule." Zhao Chen said.

"This lowly general understands." Zhao Wu nodded.

"Spirit State, we lost this place before, but from now on, we will never lose this place again." Zhao Chen's face revealed a smile, and said.

That night, everyone was resting in the Spirit State City.

On the morning of the sixth of May, they left Spirit State and headed east.

The rain in the sky gradually disappeared and the weather finally cleared up. It must have been getting hot in the Central Plains by now, but on the plains, it was still incredibly cool.

On the 8th of May, the army once again entered the Gobi Desert.

Although it was a Gobi Desert, there was still a lot of grass here. Many places were lush and verdant.

Half a year had already passed since the arrival of the great army from the first month of January.

The sky was an incomparable azure color. The clouds in the distance were very long.

A gentle breeze blew past, causing Zhao Chen's mood to suddenly become unusually cheerful.

He galloped on the prairie, the wind blowing on his face. Suddenly, he thought of many people.

He thought of the Song Chin Zong, his family members in this world. On that day in Mizar Palace, the Song Chin Zong had been very good to him. Even though he and Song Chin Zong only stayed for half a year, he had true fatherly feelings towards Song Chin Zong. The Song Chin Zong would definitely still be in the north, so he wondered what kind of treatment he would receive. Historically, the Song Chin Zong had encountered an extremely miserable situation. Every day, they would be frozen and starved to death before being trampled to death by wild horses.

Very soon, he thought of the Empress Zhu again. Thinking of that Empress Zhu, his heart began to darken. Empress Zhu was his mother, who truly loved and cared for him, but Empress Zhu had already died in his hands.

"Actually, I am an orphan, fighting alone in this world. My mother is dead, and although my father is still alive, he needs my help. As for the parents in my previous life, they were separated for eternity, never to see each other again. " Zhao Chen sighed softly.

He galloped his horse, letting the wind wash away the sadness in his heart.

Not long after, he thought of Zheyue Ru. Zheyue Ru was Zhe Keqiu's daughter. Zhe Keqiu had bullied him, was arrogant and despotic, and was killed by him in the end. And as for Zheyue Ru, even though she was Zhe Keqiu's daughter, her heart was as pure and kind as a lotus flower's. She was proficient in zither, chess, calligraphy, and female red embroidery. She was once a famous talented girl in the Guan Shan. He didn't know what sort of feelings he had for her. He cared for her and pitied her. Even though she was the daughter of an enemy, he still hadn't killed her. As for Zheyue Ru, she truly treated herself as her husband. She had been restricted by the Three Merits and Four De in the ancient times and was living in the Middle Han Area's Imperial Palace. She must have been living in extreme loneliness.

Thinking to this point, Zhao Chen actually felt a slight heartache.

He shook his head and thought of Song Qingyao. The girl dressed in white who looked like a handsome young master came over. She was extremely beautiful, and Zhang Ziqiu admired her beyond compare. She had the aura of a martial artist, so she didn't hesitate to do what she had decided. She said she liked him, so she ignored the safety of the people of white lotus and revealed the matter of him framing her. Other than that, Zhao Chen only had some memories of her from when she was young, and that day, she had treated "A Yao" as a sister and good friend.

"Strange, why would she like me?" Zhao Chen said.

That day, Zhao Chen had also been befuddled; he actually kissed her on the mouth, and in the end, he was ruthlessly bitten by his.

Thinking about it, Zhao Chen's face revealed a smile.

"Life goes on for a hundred years, grass and trees for a spring!" Coming to this world, he should have no regrets and do what he wanted! To rule the world and roam the martial arts world, I am the only one who is truly satisfied! "

Zhao Chen suddenly laughed out loud.

He moved forward as fast as lightning, with countless Managed soldiers following closely behind him.

Many things flashed before Zhao Chen's eyes. His speed became faster and faster and he suddenly entered into a state of emptiness. He felt that he had gained a better understanding of life and this era.

This time, in the Northern Chasm, three hundred thousand of the Western Xia's main force were killed, and the Western Xia was almost completely destroyed. He saw his men moving forward without a care for their lives. They were willing to sacrifice their lives for the fate of their country and their people! He also saw the valuable side of the Western Xia women when they were about to die. He also saw the heroic temperament that Li Chage, Wei Minganhui and the rest did not fear in the face of death!

He suddenly let out a long hiss and brandished his sword on his warhorse!

Streams of sword Qis were emitted from his body!

This sword qi was extremely fierce, as if it wanted to destroy everything, destroy everything, and was unstoppable!

"With my unparalleled courage, willpower, and wisdom, I will conquer all and lead my Song Dynasty to prosperity, allowing my Chinese citizens to live in peace and work happily, allowing my Chinese civilization to flourish! Let my people stand proud in the world, and honor and respect for all races! And to achieve all of this, you have to rely on the sword in my hand! "

The Grand Righteous Sword Style appeared from his hands, this sword technique was filled with arrogance, a peerless sword intent.

This was the sword intent that Zhao Kuangyin had comprehended during his peak, and now, Zhao Chen had finally comprehended this sword intent.

On the 17th of May, the army arrived at Yanzhou City!

They rested here for a day, leaving a thousand men and horses behind, and then moved on.

On the twenty-second of May, they arrived at Hongzhou City.

Here, they left another thousand troops and horses, and more than three thousand youths of the Production and Construction Corps.

On the 25th of May, the army arrived at the Yan'an Prefecture.

Shanbei Forbidden Army stopped here, this was their garrison.

Just as Zhao Chen led the rest of the army away, they immediately heard the cheers of the tsunami. Presumably, the citizens of the Yan'an Prefecture already knew of the outcome of the Western Xia War and were cheering right now.

On the 27th of May, the army arrived at Dan Zhou, Wangzhou and other places. The Tsinghua Army stayed at this place, which was where the Tsinghua Army was stationed.

The Shanbei Forbidden Army and the Tsinghua Army were two important defensive lines to prevent the Nvzhen from heading north! After they came here, at least they wouldn't have to worry about Valkyrie going north anymore.

On the 29th of May, the remaining Jingyuan Army soldiers came to the Wu Gong County.

In the morning, when they were still more than thirty miles away from Wu Gong County, they first saw a gigantic crop field.

These crops are lush and verdant and grow very well.

Zhao Chen dismounted from his horse and came to the center of the field.

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